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Professional Development 

Communities of Practice:

The Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) and the Regional Educational Service Centers (RESC) invite school psychologists to participate in statewide Communities of Practice (CoP).The CoPs will be facilitated by a RESC representative to provide attendees with an excellent, free opportunity:

1) to develop a collaborative community of practitioners
2) to build connections and share resources
3) to identify professional needs in order to inform the CSDE’s Bureau of Special Education and RESCs of future learning activities.
CoPs are designed to engage practitioners in meaningful discussions and activities that will broaden our capacity to improve outcomes for students with disabilities.



CASP members are welcome to attend any of the meetings. All meetings are held on Wednesdays from 9-11

Our meetings are dual purposed. CASP members are welcome to attend the first half of the meeting for the guest speaker’s presentation. If interested in participating on the committee, people can stay for the second half of the meeting, during which the CT SS&CRC members process recent crises and/or discuss regional concerns.

Attention to school safety and effective crisis response has never been so important. 
All meetings are held on Wednesdays from 9-11. 
Questions: please contact Paula Gill Lopez at

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